Pharmaceutical Take-Back Program

The following programs provide area Dutchess County residents with medication disposal services.

Dutchess County Program for Removing Unwanted Pharmaceuticals

There are 10 specific sites in Dutchess County for return for pharmaceuticals.  This program is managed by the STOP DWI program.  The program allows all unused prescription medications, over the counter medicines, and inhalers.  Hazardous materials and needles (syringes) may not be turned in under this program.   To get more details you can visit the Dutchess County TAKEBACK site.  It lists the addresses of the 10 places where pharmaceuticals may be taken and important details for this program.

One of the TAKEBACK sites is the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office on 150 North Hamilton Street in the city of Poughkeepsie.  Just inside the front door is a secure drug disposal bin.  You can easily deposit your out of date medications,  prescriptions no longer needed or other drugs you wish to disposed in a safe manner. You simply pull down the door handle, place content in drawer and close it, DONE! The disposal device is shown below.